Kinds of Hunting
Please scroll through to read about the different kinds of hunting.
African Lion
● "Without any ifs ands or buts, the lion is the most formidable animal on Earth when pitted against man, even tough the man be well armed.
"[O]nce a lion is in full charge towards you, there is a good chance he is going to be on top of you, however much you fancy yourself as a shot. Many better men than you or me have had that point forcibly demonstrated to them.
"Then came the magic sound of strong teeth treating at the kill. How the adrenaline pours into your system at a moment like this."
- P.H. Tony Dyer
● "One feels that lions are all that one lives for."
● "I have seen the royal lion, before sunrise, below a waning moon, crossing the grey plain on his way home from the kill, drawing a dark wake in the silvery grass."
- Karen Blixen, Letters from Africa 1914-1931
● "A safari is more than a morning hunt. It is the pantheon of hunting."
- John J. Jackson, III
● "All through the hours of darkness they were entertained by the cacophony of great armies of grunting wildebeest, honking zebra, roaring lions, screeches, cackles, snorts and often hideous howls rending the night."
- Jan Hensing, Encounters with Lions
● "I owe an honest apology to hunters whose ecstasy over hunting I had never before understood. There is nothing in the world quite like it."
- Karen Blixen in a letter after returning from a hunting safari
● "If I should wish anything back of my life, it would be to go on safari once again with Bror."
- Karen Blixen shortly before her death at age 77 in Denmark
● "All I wanted to do now was to get back to Africa. We had not left it yet, but when I would wake in the night, I would lie listening, homesick for it already."
- Ernest Hemmingway
Sheep and Mountain Hunting
● Mountain Hunters are athletes, guys and gals who work out and stay in shape knowing that bow range in rugged country comes at a price.
Mountains make their own weather and if you don't believe it, spend 10 days at the top of one..
Please click link for more from this incredible article on Sheep/Mountain/Bow Hunting: Between the Ears: The Mindset of a Mountain Hunter, Tom Miranda, Slam Quest #184, 2018
● The wild ram embodies the mystery and magic of the mountains, the rocky canyons, the snowy peaks, the fragrant alpine meadows, the gray slide rock, the icy, dancing rills fed by snowbank and glacier, the sweet, clean air of the high places, and the sense of being alone on the top of the world with the eagles, the marmots, and the wild sheep themselves. - "The Bighorn," March 1960
● The old bighorn will lead the hunter into the most beautiful country he's ever seen. He'll wear him out, give him buck fever, and break his heart; but if the hunter is the type that's susceptible to sheep fever he'll never be completely happy hunting anything else. - "The Bighorn," March 1960
● "Sheep hunting can be a morale-shattering, frustrating, physically exhausting experience and yet nothing compares with the challenge of the mountain…the high wind-swept saddles…the rocky crags."
- Bob Householder
● Sheep hunting is brutal, exhausting, and downright dangerous.. and there's nothing I'd rather be doing. - Jim Winjum, President Kenetrek, LLC.
● “Sheep hunting isn’t about a finished or unfinished slam, it’s about getting high on the windswept ridges and hunting one of the most beautiful creatures on this earth in some of our planet’s most magnificent habitat.”
- Craig Boddington
● "A sportsman may have hunted deer, turkey, elk and bears for years with the greatest of success; but until he has taken his sheep, until he has matched his brains, his endurance, and his skills with those inhabitants of the rocky peaks, he is still but a sophomore.”
- Jack O'Connor
● "When you are hunting sheep there is no way to go but up."
- Gary Hansen
● "The mountain goat certainly deserves our respect and admiration. The terrain they call home is incredibly steep and rugged.. Every mountain wreck I've ever heard about happened on a goat hunt." - Ken Heard
Bow Hunting
● "Bowhunting is about challenge, patience, practice, perseverance and the plying and mastery of skills."
- Pope & Young Club
Elk Hunting
● "Elk Hunting: It is "spot-and-stalk" hunting, which I love. Secondly, and probably more important, is the interaction. You don't have that vocal interaction with whitetails. Even during the rut you can rattle and grunt one in, but it's not the same as having a 700-pound animal bugling in your face. That is an experience!"
- Craig Morgan, country music star, Bugle
Kudu Hunting
● "If you hunt kudu long enough, you'll find they also live in two other kinds of habitat: your blood and your mind."
- John Barsness, "Kudu Quest" (American Hunter magazine, January 2010)
Duck Hunting
● Fattened in preparation for the southward migration, those teal were- without a doubt- the finest wild duck I ever had for dinner. Feeding on Merrymeeting's wild rice had given them more than fine, plump breats; it had blessed them with a delicate nutty flavor that set my taste buds soaring. During each of the duck-hunting years that followed, I treasured no reward as much as the taste of those early season blue-winged teal.
- John Cole, Life List: Remembering the Bird Years, 1997
● "I never wrote a poem in my life. But if I ever do, it will be about ducks."
- Gordon MacQuarrie, The Last Stories of the Old Duck Hunters, 1985
Buffalo Hunting
● "[T]here is only one thing that will stop a charging buffalo; and that is death - either his our yours."
- John "Pondoro" Taylor, African Rifles and Cartridges, 1948
Turkey Hunting
● "Turkey hunting is a magical, intellectual, tactical exercise conducted out of doors. It is a personal, contemplative sport that does not require the production of a dead turkey to be classified a success...the only requirement is that you chase - nowhere is it written that you have to catch."
- Tom Kelly from Better on a Rising Tide, 1995
Hunting with Dogs
● "For those who truly love hunting, therefore, the work of the hounds is a central part of their delight. Of course, the thrill of the chase is also important. But it is a thrill of the same kind: it comes from sharing in the animal excitement, so that the currents of emotion which flow from hound to horse and back again are diverted through your pumping arteries, dissolving human knowledge and spreading it to the centaur limbs below."
- Roger Scruton from On Hunting, 1998