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Wayne Lau


In February 2008, Conservation Force Advisory Board member Wayne Lau went on a second pilot hunt organized by fledgling Cameroon conservation group Cameroon Natural Resources (CAMNARES).  This hunt was to extend CAMNARES' work to Cameroon's northern savannahs with Lord Derby Eland as the prime game. 


Wayne reports that they quickly managed to harvert a very old Lord Derby Eland bull and saw numbers of other species including Roan, western hartebeest, and buffalo.  Unfortunately, there were signs of poaching.  However CAMNARES is looking at developing an anti-poaching program involving community members.  This will also help protect a National Park which borders the game reserve.  In partnership with Conservation Force, proceeds of the hunt were used to complete a village meeting hall, build a much needed classroom, and repair a waterwell.  Although Wayne was the first American to hunt there, local officials and villagers had heard of CAMNARES' work, and were very open to the concept of conservation hunting.  Their enthusiasm contributed greatly to the success of the hunt. 


Wayne also has news about CAMNARES' first project area in Kong village in central Cameroon in Kong where he hunted a Bongo Antelope last year (as described in last month's Bulletin).  Kong's 2008 season has been fully booked by volunteer outfitter Eugene Yap from Southpoint Safaris (a former North American SCI Outfitter of the Year).  In addition, a prince from Kong who became interested in conservation because of the project has been awarded a scholarship from Shikar Safaris Club International to study at the Nature Conservation department of Tshwane University of Technology in Pretoria. 


CAMNARES was founded by Armand Biko'o and Maliki Wardjomto, Cameroon's first two students at Tshwane University under the Shikar Scholarships.

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